Monday, February 25, 2013

Personal Psalm

Lord, I lived a life of my own choices.

Selfish, and self-centered, I built a wall around myself
So I could be alone.
Alone with my shame,
Alone with my guilt,
Alone with the consequences of my sins,
Alone and isolated within darkness.

Lord, I lived a life that knew no peace, no joy, no hope.
I dwelt in a prison of my own making
And could find no way out.

God, I don’t have the words to fully express
My gratitude for what you have done.
You held the key that set me free.
My sins have been forgiven
Shame and guilt have faded away

I’ve been given a second chance at life
And an awesome gift of peace and comfort.
My heart is filled with joy
I’ve been healed, and I no longer am alone.

Lord, I now live a life that is led by you.
A God-centered life
Filled with light and hope.
A life lived within your embrace.

My refuge, my guide.
My shelter, my hope.
My Father, Redeemer
I give you my life, my faith, and my trust.

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