Monday, March 25, 2013


Built a fire tonight.  I love doing that.  A crackling wood fire on a cold night it just nice.

And I am always impressed that I can make fire!  It makes me feel like a strong, capable woman.  Arrrgh!  Look what I can do!  Fire!

Watching a fire slowly burn down in also reminds me of the simple blessings God gives.  The ones we overlook.  I have a roof over my head, shelter on a cold night, a well-constructed fireplace, a stack of wood to burn, and matches.

I have food in the fridge, a dog to warn me of possible intruders in the driveway, and a warm cat in my lap.  I have internet access, books to read, and friends who have covered my family with prayer this week. 

I have a God who loves me, a Savior who died for me, and a Bible to read.  I am blessed.  I am grateful.  It is well with my soul.