Cat mostly ignores me. I’ll walk outside and see Cat. “Hi Cat!”, I say. Cat stops, looks at me, meows, and then continues on with whatever it is Cat does during the day. I find myself thinking about how to help Cat when the weather gets cold. Cat continues to mostly ignore me.
Until today. Today, I saw Cat and spoke as usual. Cat stopped, looked, and then actually walked
right up to me!! I bent down and began
petting Cat which he/she totally loved.
So I found myself sitting in my garage while a loudly purring Cat
enjoyed a few moments of total feline bliss in the form of head scratches and
back rubs.
I explain to Cat that I’ve
been trying to take care of him/her. I’ve
provided food and shelter and other things a cat needs. Cat (I said), if you wouldn’t always walk
away from me, I would scratch your head and love on you more often.
And then I realized
Isn’t it fascinating
how we are given life lessons through the simplest of interactions?
Because what I was
explaining to Cat, is what God tries to explain to us.
How often would I have
gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and
you were not willing! (Matthew 23:37)
God loves us and He is
full of compassion towards us. God
provides for our needs, even when we mostly ignore Him. But, oh, can you imagine how much God desires
for us to stop and walk towards Him?
Have you done
that? Have you taken time to stop
whatever it is you do and just go to God?
Do you let Him love you? Have you
experienced the bliss that comes from spending time in the Father’s presence?
Often, I have found
myself like Cat – too caught up in my own thing to notice the One who is
providing for me. I didn’t expect to
learn a lesson from Cat, but I’m sure glad I did.
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